May 2006

More natural cures for what ails you

By Kevin Trudeau
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Already a surprising phenomenon in the publishing world, Kevin Trudeau takes aim at modern-day health care once again in his latest release, More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease. Planning a first printing of half a million copies, Trudeau clearly believes his readers are hungry for more of what he has to say about the causes and cures for common illnesses. An advocate of natural healing methods, Trudeau argues that doctors, the pharmaceutical industry and government agencies have conspired to censor information about remedies.

Trudeau’s previous book, Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About, was the best-selling nonfiction book in America in 2005, outselling such well known authors as David McCullough, Thomas L. Friedman and even Dr. Phil. Industry journal Publishers Weekly reports that Natural Cures sold 3.7 million copies last year, easily outpacing every other book on the market except for boy wonder Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince took first place in publishing with 13.5 million copies sold in the U.S.)

Trudeau achieved his incredible success by promoting his book on seemingly endless infomercials that turned up on television at all hours of the night (and day). Telegenic and articulate, Trudeau used the programs to press his claim that sinister forces are at work.  "There are certain groups, including government agencies, as well as the food industry, the drug industry, and even some news . . . organizations that don’t want people to know about cures for diseases that are all-natural because people can’t make money on all-natural cures,"  Trudeau says.  "So there are in fact cures for cancer. There are cures for diabetes."

Many have questioned Trudeau’s conclusions and his background, which includes a stint in federal prison and an enforcement action against him by the Federal Trade Commission. A 2004 FTC order fined Trudeau $2 million and banned him from appearing in infomercials for drug supplements. This ban is meant to shut down an infomercial empire that has misled American consumers for years, an FTC official said at the time. Ironically, though, the order specifically exempted infomercials for books, newsletters, and other informational publications. From that point on, Trudeau stopped selling supplements and started selling books, with extraordinary results.



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More Natural Cures Revealed

More Natural Cures Revealed

By Kevin Trudeau
ISBN 9780975599549

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